Dinner with journalists

The International Federation of Lebanese Businessmen and Women MIDEL headed by Dr. Fouad Zamakhel held a dialogue lunch with the Association of Economic Journalists headed by Sabine Aweys, in the presence of members of the Executive Board of Directors of the Federation and the Administrative Board of the Association.

The dialogue was initiated by the President of the Federation, Dr. Fouad Zamkahel, with a speech in which he welcomed the Association of Economic Journalists, pointing to the close relationship with the economic press, and the need for convergence between businessmen and women and the economic media body because of its importance in terms of exchanging opinions in the economic conditions that the country is going through in the current circumstances.

Zamkahel said; There is no doubt that Lebanon is going through the most difficult periods of its economic and social history, and we hear many echoes about changing the face of Lebanon, but we are still clinging to our roots, to the Lebanon of history, the Lebanon of the Phoenicians, the Lebanon of openness and civilization that exported crafts and boats from cedarwood to the world.

Zamakhel added: We know that we, our partners, and our people are going through a difficult ordeal, but our decision is that Lebanon remains and that we continue to invest in it. The new to the younger generation to the older generation to build the nation.

And Zamkahel concluded: We and the economic media are one family in solidarity to deliver our word and our message that we want is a message of development, love, and steadfastness, and we are together building the country we want, and today we are at the door of parliamentary elections that may lead to change or not, but the change will be in ourselves, in our companies and in our thinking because we have the intention. To preserve the homeland of our ancestors and our roots to rebuild the real development that will inevitably follow.

The association’s president, Sabine Owais, thanked the president of the federation and its members for this meeting, which made it possible to open a dialogue with elite businessmen and women about the current economic situation, wishing for continued cooperation and communication between the federation and the association of economic journalists for the benefit of the national economy.

A dialogue was held in which all the attendees participated in the discussion of the economic sectors and their suffering in light of the crisis that Lebanon is experiencing.

It was agreed to hold dialogue meetings in light of urgent developments that may arise in the future to exchange ideas about them

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