“Wink Pay” goes live….!  The opening pillar of Wink Neo; Lebanon’s first Neo Bank 

Credit Libanais introduces Wink Pay, a cutting-edge mobile wallet that  marks the first pillar of its Wink Neo in collaboration with Codebase  Technologies and Visa; the world leader in digital payments;  Through Wink Pay, Credit Libanais introduced the country’s first fully-digital  onboarding and instant card issuance proposition to the market. This  revolutionary service provides 6 million Lebanese citizens with the  capability to securely and transparently manage their payments for local  and international purchases with no need for a bank account.  

Wink Pay orchestrates a unique user experience through its mobile  application by providing the citizens with the best solution to have access  to financial services to issue a virtual preloaded card as quick as a wink while enjoying a seamless, paperless and secure payment experience.  It features also the country’s first fully digital onboarding with e-KYC  verification to address customers’ needs for trusted digital experience. It  also includes value-added features like card and payment management  tools that allow users to locate nearby card-loading agents and to  personalize their card by selecting its color directly from the mobile app.  

The Wink Pay mobile application includes also innovative features that  stand out prominently such as Wink Transfer and remittance service which  allows users to effortlessly transfer money to any card, IBAN or digital  wallet in Lebanon and abroad .  

The flexibility of Wink Transfer not only simplifies peer-to-peer transactions  but also broadens the scope of financial interactions. 

Sharing the vision behind Wink Pay, Mrs Randa Bdeir, Deputy General  Manager and Head of Electronic Payment Solutions and Card Technology  at Credit Libanais , said “In the wake of Lebanon’s economic challenges  characterized by a substantial rise in the number of unbanked individuals and an increase in reliance of the economy on transfers and remittances,  Credit Libanais acknowledges the necessity of adapting to this shifting 

financial landscape and answering the need of the Lebanese citizens by  giving them the chance to instantly acquire a preloaded virtual card to  execute their purchases and transfers locally and abroad with no  restrictions. 

Through this initiative, Credit Libanais endeavors to contribute to greater  financial inclusion.”  

Bdeir Added: “Wink Pay symbolizes a commitment to innovation and  resilience that was inspired by the success story of Revolut, offering a  modern, convenient and cost-effective alternative to traditional banking.  Through Wink Pay, we were able to simplify and digitize customer  onboarding, as well as facilitate online payments and transfers especially  that now more than ever, customers are looking for dependable and  convenient ways to effectively manage their payments without having a  bank account.”  

“At Visa, we are excited to partner with Codebase Technologies and Credit  Libanais to launch innovative and disruptive products, and we are proud of  this collaborative effort to bring Wink Pay to the market,” said Mario  Makary, Vice President – Levant at Visa. He added, “Instant issuance virtual  cards will revolutionize the way consumers pay by providing an efficient,  secure, and convenient payment solution. With these virtual cards,  customers can instantly create and access digital payments, significantly  improving the customer experience. And by leveraging Visa’s secure global  payments infrastructure and advanced fraud prevention capabilities,  customers can enjoy the peace of mind that their payments are safe and  secure.”  

Tamer Al Mauge, Codebase Technologies’ Managing Director for MENA,  stated, “The Wink Pay app can be summed up in three words: easy, quick,  and impactful. From the branding to the interactive elements, everything  

has been designed with the younger generation in mind and without any  unnecessary distractions. The onboarding, account opening, e-KYC 

verification, and card issuance process are quick, involving only three steps;  furthermore, no deposit is required to start using the services.”

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